How to Wait on GOD for Your Husband
Singles conferences and seminars all across the globe have helped you to understand why you should wait on GOD for your husband, but there aren’t a lot of information being shared as to how to wait on GOD for your husband. In this hour-long series, author/ narrator Tiffany Kameni will share with you the whys and the hows of waiting.
File Type: Mp3 File (Download Only)
Price: $9.95
People all around the world are starting their own businesses, and many of them are starting Christian businesses. But there’s a problem with the Christian market: We aren’t always supported by our own. In this hour-long session, author/narrator Tiffany Kameni will take you through the steps of starting and running a successful Christian business.
File Type: Mp3 File (Download Only)
Price: $9.95
Overcoming Life’s Obstacles
Life can throw some pretty big stumbling blocks our way, and if we’re not careful, we’ll fall into temptation, pride, low self esteem and much more. This powerful audio is going to change the way you look at trials and tribulations. With one hour of powerful tips and nuggets, you’ll find that Overcoming Life’s Obstacles has just the right depth to dig you out of your pit.
File Type: Mp3 File (Download Only)
Price: $9.95
Kicking the Devil Out of Your Marriage So You Can Stay In It
The blame-game stops here. Kicking the Devil Out of Your Marriage So You Can Stay In It is a life-changing, mind-blowing sermon that will give you what you’ll need to kick the devil out of your marriage. Authored and narrated by Tiffany Kameni, this hour long series is like having your own Christian marriage counselor at your fingertips.
File Type: Mp3 File (Download Only)
Price: $9.95